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The dcf-tools Python module contains tools to parse and generate EDS/DCF files. Most importantly, it contains the dcfgen tool, which can be used to generate the DCF of a CANopen master.


The dcfchk tool can be used to check an EDS/DCF file for errors. It takes a single argument: the name of the file to be checked. Any issues are printed as warnings to stderr. The tool terminates with exit code 1 if issues are found, and 0 if not.


Option Description
-n ID, --node_id ID The node-ID (default: 255).
-p, --print Print the PDO mappings.


The dcfgen tool has a single argument: the name of the YAML file containing the configuration of the master. It generates the file master.dcf and, optionally, master.bin, containing the serial number of the master and the revision and serial numbers of the slaves, as well as their expected software version. For each slave, a .bin file is generated which contains the SDO requests used to configure the slave during boot-up.


Option Description
-d DIR, --directory DIR The directory in which to store the generated file(s).
-r, --remote-pdo Generate remote PDO mappings.
-S, --no-strict Do not abort in case of an invalid slave EDS/DCF.
-v, --verbose Print generated the SDO requests.

YAML configuration

The YAML file has two special sections: options and master. All other sections are assumed to describe slaves, unless their name begins with ., in which case they are ignored.


The options section is optional and contains default values for some of the parameters in the master and slave sections:

Keyword Description
dcf_path The directory in which the generated .dcf and .bin files will be available at runtime (default: "").
heartbeat_multiplier The multiplication factor used to obtain heartbeat consumer times from heartbeat producer times (default: 3.0).


The master section is mandatory and has the following parameters:

Keyword Description
node_id The node-ID (default: 255).
baudrate The baudrate in kbit/s (default: 1000).
vendor_id The vendor-ID (default: 0x00000000).
product_code The product code (default: 0x00000000).
revision_number The revision number (default: 0x00000000).
serial_number The serial number (default: 0x00000000).
heartbeat_multiplier The multiplication factor used to obtain the slave heartbeat consumer time from the master heartbeat producer time (default: see options section).
heartbeat_consumer Specifies whether the master should monitor the heartbeats of the slaves (default: true).
heartbeat_producer The heartbeat producer time in ms (default: 0).
emcy_inhibit_time The EMCY inhibit time in multiples of 100 μs (default: 0, see object 1015).
sync_period The SYNC interval in μs (default: 0).
sync_window The SYNC window length in μs (default: 0, see object 1007).
sync_overflow The SYNC counter overflow value (default: 0, see object 1019).
error_behavior A dictionary of error behaviors for different classes or errors (default: {1: 0x00}, see object 1029).
nmt_inhibit_time The NMT inhibit time in multiples of 100 μs (default: 0, see object 102A).
start Specifies whether the master shall switch into the NMT operational state by itself (default: true, see bit 2 in object 1F80).
start_nodes Specifies whether the master shall start the slaves (default: true, see bit 3 in object 1F80).
start_all_nodes Specifies whether the master shall start all nodes simultaneously (default: false, see bit 1 in object 1F80).
reset_all_nodes Specifies whether all slaves shall be reset in case of an error event on a mandatory slave (default: false, see bit 4 in object 1F80).
stop_all_nodes Specifies whether all slaves shall be stopped in case of an error event on a mandatory slave (default: false, see bit 6 in object 1F80).
boot_time The timeout for booting mandatory slaves in ms (default: 0, see object 1F89).


All other sections are assumed to describe slaves. The name of the section is the basename for the generated .bin file, if any. The slave section has the following parameters:

Keyword Description
dcf The filename of the EDS/DCF describing the slave (mandatory).
dcf_path The directory in which the generated .bin file will be available at runtime (default: see options section).
node_id The node-ID (default: 255, can be omitted if specified in the DCF).
revision_number The revision number (default: 0x00000000, can be omitted if specified in the DCF).
serial_number The serial number (default: 0x00000000, can be omitted if specified in the DCF).
heartbeat_multiplier The multiplication factor used to obtain master heartbeat consumer time from the slave heartbeat producer time (default: see options section).
heartbeat_consumer Specifies whether the slave should monitor the heartbeat of the master (default: false).
heartbeat_producer The heartbeat producer time in ms (default: 0).
error_behavior A dictionary of error behaviors for different classes or errors (default: {}, see object 1029).
rpdo The Receive-PDO configuration (see below).
tpdo The Transmit-PDO configuration (see below).
boot Specifies whether the slave will be configured and booted by the master (default: true, see bit 2 in object 1F81).
mandatory Specifies whether the slave is mandatory (default: false, see bit 3 in object 1F81).
reset_communication Specifies whether the NMT reset communication command may be sent to the slave (default: true, see bit 4 in object 1F81).
software_file The name of the file containing the firmware (default: "", see object 1F58).
software_version The expected software version (default: 0x00000000, see object 1F55).
configuration_file The name of the file containing the configuration (default: "<dcf_path>/<name>.bin" (where <name> is the section name), see object 1F22).
restore_configuration The sub-index of object 1011 to be used when restoring the configuration (default: 0x00).
sdo Additional SDO requests to be sent during configuration (see below).
rpdo and tpdo

The rpdo and tpdo entries in a slave section can be used to configure communication and mapping parameters of pre-existing Receive-PDOs and Transmit-PDOs on a slave. Each entry in rpdo and tpdo is a number (starting from 1) containing one or more of the following options:

Keyword Description
enabled Specifies whether the PDO is enabled (default: true, if the COB-ID is valid).
cob_id The COB-ID. If the most significant bit is set, the PDO will be ignored by the master. If the value is auto, an unused 11-bit COB-ID will be assigned. This can be used for at most 96 PDOs outside the pre-defined connection set (COB-ID: 0x680 - 0x6DF).
transmission The transmission type.
inhibit_time The inhibit time of the (corresponding master) TPDO in multiples of 100 μs.
event_timer The event timer of the (corresponding master) TPDO in ms.
event_deadline The deadline for (corresponding master) RPDO reception in ms.
sync_start The SYNC start value of the (corresponding master) TPDO.
mapping The PDO mapping. This is an array of dictionaries, each containing an index and sub_index entry.

For each slave, additional SDO write requests can be specified. They are executed after the automatically generated SDO requests for configuring heartbeats and PDOs.

The sdo entry is an array of dictionaries, each containing the following entries:

Keyword Description
index The object index (mandatory).
sub_index The object sub-index (default: 0x00).
value The value to be written (default: 0).
